Petrolimex tops “Vietnam’s 50 best listed companies 2018"

On July 26, 2018, Forbes Vietnam honoured the Vietnam National Petroleum Group (Petrolimex/PLX) as Top of the list of “Vietnam’s 50 best listed companies 2018” at a ceremony held in Ho Chi Minh City-based GEM Center.
Head of Petrolimex Board of Management’s Risk Management Department Tran Tuan Linh attends the honouring ceremony and receives the campaign medal "Vietnam’s 50 best listed companies 2018"
This is the second time that Forbes Vietnam has listed Petrolimex in the Top 50 since Petrolimex withticket symbol PLXwas officially listed on the Ho Chi Minh City Stock Exchange (HOSE) on April 21, 2017.
With2017net sales of VND153,7 trillion (US$6.6 billion), Petrolimex paida cash dividendof 30% on July 24, 2018.
2017 was also the second yearthat witnessed Petrolimex rank high among 10 Vietnamese brands in theAsia’s Top 1000 brands– a comprehensive research on consumer brand perception in the region published by Campaign Asia-Pacific based on an exclusive survey conducted by Nielsen.
The move further promotes all Petrolimex staff to make their efforts to stayinnovative - creative, maintainPLX identities, and successfully realisecommitmentsthat Petrolimex made when officially being listed on the stock exchange.
“Vietnam’s 50 best listed companies” ranked by Forbes Vietnam honours companies with outstanding business results based on published financial indices, including companies listed on Ho Chi Minh City Stock Exchange (HOSE) and Hanoi Stock Exchange (HNX). Forbes Vietnam applies company ranking methods of Forbes (US), taking into consideration the characteristics of the businesses listed in Vietnam. The assessment is based on the financial statements audited for the five consecutive years from 2013-2017 (in the case of companies whose fiscal year ends mid-year Forbes Vietnam uses the data from the nearest fiscal year). Additionally, Forbes Vietnam independently considers the sustainable development of enterprises: brand name, corporate management quality, sources of profit in the past and prospect for sustainable development. Companies with repeated violations of the information disclosure obligations required by the two stock exchanges, in doubt of manipulation of stock prices are eliminated. |